Thursday, May 3, 2012

In the spirit of getting back on the health wagon after a vacation away from my gym membership, I thought since yesterday I shared with you "jumpstart" healthy recipes, that today I'd write about a few of my favorite exercises to kick everything back into gear.  

I've always been a pretty devoted gym go-er. I like the idea of having one place where I can take a class, do cardio, and strength train all under one roof.  

At one point in my career I worked in the corporate offices for a well known national fitness company and I have to say my favorite perk was the gym membership and getting to learn the new fitness "trends", try out classes "in the works" and pick the trainers brains for advice!  So from my years as a gym member and the exercise tips I've picked up from those in the industry along the way, here are some add ons I've learned to give a boost to your routine and links to workouts I especially like! 

Make Friends with Your Treadmill
I get it, especially after a hiatus, just thinking about pounding that conveyor belt can feel like the equivalent of exercise Chinese water torture....and the treadmill can have a little bit of a hamster on a wheel effect. How to beat that? What I like to do that scorches more calories and makes the time go by way faster is interval training. 

Stability Ball
The thing I like about using a stability ball for my core (abs) exercises is that it forces you to balance, hence, gain "stability" and actually ends up making it easier to target your particular problem spots then just lying on the mat doing crunches. 

Strength Training 
I used to be a total slave to only doing cardio and didn't want to gain inches from lifting.  However, I learned that I was sorely (no pun intended) mistaken and lifting weights actually gives you the following benefits:
  • Aids in warding off osteoporosis.  Adding weight training helps strengthen your bone density (if someone like your mom or grandma has it in your family, you are at an even higher risk of developing it yourself. So start lifting!)
  • It revs up your metabolism and keeps it going (because muscles beats fat)
  • And from a purely vanity standpoint toning your arms (aka sleeveless top season coming up) will make them look slimmer and more defined 

I like this routine here and here 

4. Squat/Lunges 
Yes, they can be hard. Yes, you're lower half may feel like it's on fire BUT it's the best way to workout hamstrings, quadriceps and that butt.  Also, they're what's called a "compound exercise" meaning they work more than one muscle at a time. What that means for you is that you're burning more calories and working more areas in one move. Yay! 

A great routine to follow

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