Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Tasty Tuesdays

"A Taste of all Things Gluten Free" 

I don't know if you have noticed the food trend going on here or not yet but pretty much all the recipes I share on this blog are either naturally gluten-free or I give the option of making them that way. 

When I was a senior in college after some tests and visiting a nutritionist it was decided while I'm not suffering from celiac disease that I have a gluten intolerance.  Therefore since I've stopped eating it I have felt so much better than I did before.

I'm not going to lie, at first it was really, really hard because I am not one of those girl's who just doesn't eat "carbs".  When I found out I should steer clear of gluten products it was before quality alternatives were on the market....basically every product trying to mimic its glutinous counterpart was like eating a piece of cardboard/sponge hybrid.  So, I just didn't even bother trying to find a replacement for my missed morning bowl of cereal or sandwich at lunch-time. 

Now, from even just a few years ago the gluten-free market has completely exploded...going to the grocery store no longer takes me twice the amount of time to get through, from having to read every ingredient on each product...instead there's now an entire section at stores such as Whole Foods and Trader Joe's dedicated to gluten free only items.

I find even going to restaurants now waiters no longer look at me with a blank stare when I inquire whether any of the items on the menu contain flour, breadcrumbs, soy sauce etc....in fact I've been to a bunch of places here in SF and in NY that for a $1 or so more offer a gluten-free pasta option for instance. 

Being that so many people are now discovering they should be on a wheat/gluten-free diet or are suffering from celiac disease, I wanted to share after years of testing many, many different varieties of products, some that I have found that really do stand up to their gluten containing equivalents...

My favorite gluten free bagel is the Udi's whole grain (especially when toasted)
 and it even has 8g of protein

I have always loved Special K, Red Berries...so when I found this replacement for my favorite cereal I was very happy...and this one is 100% whole grain

This gluten-free dream come true is in the form of a pint of dairy free/gluten free ice cream....I've turned non-believers onto this and they haven't looked back

Quinoa and Brown Rice Pasta 
(sidenote: the quinoa version is healthier for you but the brown rice one has a 
milder taste and absorbs light sauces better)

I'm not a vegetarian but I love veggie burgers!  Unfortunately, a good amount of vegetarian "replacements" include gluten.  That why I love Sol Cuisine.... they're a brand that uses brown rice instead of other fillers and the mushroom one is absolutely delicious...
especially with hummus! 

Amy's Kitchen is my go-to when I don't have time to cook, my favorite is the roasted vegetable pizza..it's now available with a rice (gluten-free) crust!  It is just so good.... 


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